Sexy Sexy Lover

Artist: Modern Talking

Submitted by: TheSkydas (15)

Date Added: 2010-10-05

Monthly Views: 2582


C#m G#m A H C#m

Oh, I´m Looking At The Same Old Star
I´ll Be There For You - But You´re So Far
A F#m A H
Please Come Back To Me - I Can´t Love A Memory
You´re The Nearset Thing To Heaven Girl
Baby, Just For You - I´ll Fly Around Thw World
Oh, Everything I Do - I Do It Just For You

C#m G#m
My Sexy Sexy Lover - Tell Me There´s No Other
A H C#m
Tell Me There´s No Other - Deep In Your Heart
C#m G#m
My Sexy Sexy Lover - I Wanna Be Your Cover
A H C#m
There´s No Other That´s Breaking Apart
Oh, My Sexy Little Lover - Swear There Is No Other
I´ Feel Alone When I´m Coming Home
E G#m
Oh, My Sexy Little Lover - Tell Me There´s No Other
When I´m Down - Need You All Around

I´m Not A Man Who Wants To Be Alone
And I Cannot Love You At The Telephone
Oh, Baby You And I - We´re Flying One Mile High
Oh, Nobody Knows How I Feel Tonight
I Will Die For You - You Are By My Side
More Than You Will Know - See My Love Will Grow


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