Artist: Eiffel 65
Submitted by: lukas425 (5)
Date Added: 2010-10-13
Monthly Views: 3274
e |----------------------------------------------|
B |------------1----------------3-4----3-1-------|
G |2-3----0-3-------2-3----0-3-------------------|
D |-----0---------3------------------------------|
A |----------------------------------------------|
E |----------------------------------------------|
e |----------------------|
B |----------------------|
G |--3----0-3-2----------|
D |------0-------3-0-5---|
A |----------------------|
E |----------------------|
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Atsiprasau , ivyko nesusipratimas:<br />
grupe turejo buti '' eiffel 65 '',<br />
o ne ''Eagle Eye Cherry''
No other songs by this artist.