Lonely day v.2

Artist: System of a down

Submitted by: bkestux (249)

Date Added: 2011-11-29

Monthly Views: 2081


G#m E6 H D#
Such a lonely day, and it\'s mine
The most lonliest day of my life
Such a lonely day, should be banned
It\'s a day that I can\'t stand

The most lonliest day of my life - 2Ñ€

Such a lonely day, shouldn\'t exist
It\'s a day that I\'ll never miss
Such a lonely day, and it\'s mine
The most lonliest day of my life

E D# F# G#m
And if you go, I wanna go with you
And if you die,I wanna die with you
E D# G#m E H D#
Take your hand and walk away

The most lonliest day of my life > 3x

Such a lonely day, and its mine
It\'s a day that I\'m glad I survived

Rhythm: SÄ—kmÄ—s :)

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