
Artist: Cold

Submitted by: Shinigami (13)

Date Added: 2008-09-01

Monthly Views: 1914


Tune down 2 whole steps - C F Bb Eb G C<br />
<br />
<br />
Played on accoustic/or use clean sound.<br />
<br />
c _________2__2H3________0__0____________0__0____________0____<br />
G _______0_____________0______________________________________<br />
Eb _____0_____________0_________0______0________0______0_______<br />
Bb ___2_____________0________________2_______________2_______0_<br />
F ________________________________4_______________3___________<br />
C ____________________________________________________________<br />
<br />
(introduction play twice.)<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
c ___________2_______________________0______________<br />
G _____0________0_____0________0________0_____0_____<br />
Eb ________0________0_____0________0________0_____0__<br />
Bb ___2______________________0_______________________<br />
F __________________________________________________<br />
C __________________________________________________<br />
"I'm feelin' crossed... <br />
"Take all these strings... <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
c __________0________0______________0_____<br />
G ____0________0________0_____0___________|<br />
E _______0________0______________0________|<br />
Bb _____________________________________0__|<br />
F _4_______________________3______________|<br />
C ________________________________________|<br />
"I take it inside...<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
c __________________________________________________<br />
G ____________3_______________________3_____________<br />
Eb ______0________0_____0________0________0_____0____<br />
Bb _________0________0_____0________0________0_____0_<br />
F __________________________________________________<br />
C ___3_______________________2______________________<br />
"I wanna bleed...<br />
"I wanna scream...<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
c ___________________________________<br />
G _____________3_____________________<br />
Eb _______0________0_____0____________<br />
Bb __________0________0_____0_________<br />
F ___3_______________________________<br />
C ___________________________________<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
c ________________________________________________________<br />
G ____________3_______________|_____3_3___3___3_3__3______|<br />
Eb ______0________0_____0_____.|________0___0_____0___0____|<br />
Bb _________0________0_____0__.|___________________________|<br />
C ___2________________________|___2______2________2_______|<br />
C ____________________________|________________________0__|<br />
(2nd ending measure/play along to get the feel) <br />
<br />
Just repeat the entire song idea starting <br />
with the intro solo and you should be able <br />
to make this sound almost as nice as they do.<br />


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