Gay Eskimo

Artist: Tenacious D

Submitted by: Slipknott (12)

Date Added: 2009-01-26

Monthly Views: 2428


D A Bm G<br />
I'm the only gay eskimo, I'm the only one i know,<br />
D A Bm G<br />
I'm the only gay eskimo in my tribe<br />
<br />
<br />
D A<br />
I go out seal hunting with my best friend Tarka,<br />
Bm G<br />
But all i wanna do is get into his parka<br />
D A Bm G<br />
I'm the only gay eskimo in my tribe<br />
<br />
<br />
D A<br />
Well, me and duck fluck chuck buck, we both like flowers<br />
Bm Gm<br />
But me i've got this crazy yearning for rubber<br />
D A Bm G<br />
I'm the only gay eskimo in my tribe<br />
<br />
D A<br />
I make a wish on the northern lights<br />
Bm G<br />
that i could find a decent pair of whaleskin tights<br />
D A Bm G<br />
I'm the only gay eskimo in my tribe And the seals thay sing now<br />
<br />
<br />
D A<br />
These cold winter nights are taking their toll<br />
Bm G<br />
I even get excited when i see the north pole<br />
<br />
See the north pole<br />
<br />
D A Bm G<br />
I'm the only gay eskimo, i'm the only one i know<br />
D A Bm G<br />
i'm the only gay eskimo in my tribe<br />
<br />
<br />
Dar viena smagi dainuska xD megaukites


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