Hot and cold

Artist: Katy Perry

Submitted by: Slipknott (12)

Date Added: 2009-01-26

Monthly Views: 3927


G D <br />
You change your mind, <br />
Am C<br />
Like a girl changes clothes,<br />
visi stulpeliai tiepat akordai<br />
<br />
priedainis<br />
<br />
G <br />
Your hot then your cold<br />
D<br />
Your yes then your no,<br />
Am<br />
Your in then your out,<br />
C<br />
Your up then your down<br />
etc. for whole chorus<br />
<br />
(zodzus juk patys znt tai nerasysiu visu)<br />
<br />
Em C<br />
Will someone call the doctor<br />
G D<br />
I got another case of bipolar<br />
etc......<br />
G D<br />
You change your mind,<br />
Am C <br />
Like a girl changes clothes<br />
<br />
Manau jog tjp<br />
<br />


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