Yellow Submarine

Artist: Beatles

Submitted by: Filter (1)

Date Added: 2009-04-14

Monthly Views: 4194


Teisingi akordai<br />
<br />
G D C G<br />
In the town where I was born<br />
Em Am C G<br />
Lived a man who sailed to sea<br />
G D C G<br />
And he told us of his life<br />
Em Am C D<br />
In the land of submarines<br />
G D C G<br />
So we sailed up to the sun<br />
Em Am C G<br />
Till we found the sea of green<br />
G D C G<br />
And we lived beneath the waves<br />
Em Am C D<br />
In our yellow submarine<br />
<br />
CHORUS:<br />
G D<br />
We all live in a yellow submarine<br />
G<br />
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine<br />
G D<br />
We all live in a yellow submarine <br />
G<br />
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine<br />
<br />
And our friends are all on board<br />
Many more of them live next door<br />
And the band begins to play ...CHORUS<br />
<br />
As we live a life of ease<br />
Everyone of us has all we need<br />
Sky of blue and sea of green<br />
In our yellow submarine ...CHORUS TWICE<br />
<br />
<br />
(from Revolver, 1966)

Rhythm: Ritmas paprastas, nuo G permetam pirštus greit prie D, čia palaikom, tada grojam C ir permetam prie G, pasiklausykit dainos, tikrai viskas paprasta.

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